Top Choice Magazine Cover


Trish gets a Top Choice Magazine Cover.


Tough Enough: "Don't Take My Kindness For Weakness"




The contestants are in for a rude awakening when Bill, Trish and Booker T storm into the house blasting an air horn and yelling for the contestants to meet them on the field. The group is greeted with an obstacle course that is about to become their worst enemy. While Jeremiah does well, everyone else struggles to complete the course. Ivelisse, in particular, is at the point of quitting, but with Martin's help, she finishes the task.

Afterwards, the contestants go straight into their daily training where they meet special guest Rey Mysterio who talks to them about teamwork. Then the trainers put the contestants through a grueling workout session. First up, bag slams. Ryan is immediately kicked out of the ring for tripping on his way in, and things only get worse from there. He is kicked out again for botching a leapfrog drill. But he isn't the only one to struggle with this drill. Christina mis-times her jump and crashes into Ivelisse who suffers a bad leg sprain.

The next morning, Trish stops by the house to talk to Christina and Ivelisse. They are the last two females in the contest, but they are looking like the weaker person. Injured or not, Trish warns them that if they don�t step it up, it could be the end of the line. Ivelisse vows that over her dead body will Christina be allowed to injure her then become the last girl standing.

For the life lesson, contestants arrive at a gym where they're met with a special guest, former NBA star John Salley, who�s brought along some friends to help with teamwork - a world-ranked basketball team of dwarves! The Tough Enough kids are awful and are quickly trounced by the pint-sized players.

Day three it�s skills challenge time. Booker T expresses his disappointment in the contestants� lack of teamwork the previous day, and singles out an eye-rolling Ryan for an especially angry tirade. Steve and Bill announce the challenge: a series of sequences called Three's A Crowd, and they begin. The trainers express disappointment in Luke, who seems to be coasting. Martin and AJ make it to the final round - as does Ryan, much to the surprise of the trainers. It's Ryan's shot at redemption, but he fails miserably and Martin is declared the winner of his third skills challenge in a row.

After deliberation, Steve and the trainers announce the bottom three - Christina, Ryan and, shockingly, Luke!

Back at the house Andy gives Christina a pep talk on getting through elimination, while Ryan takes it like a trooper. Luke, on the other hand, seethes with frustration and dares anyone to give him a good reason for his being in the bottom three.

At the elimination, the bottom three face off with Steve who says it's about to be a bad day for somebody. Steve admonishes Christina for not impressing him, then turns his wrath on Luke, asking why Martin is kicking his a** every week. Additionally, he says he doesn't like his attitude or his arrogance. Steve wonders if Ryan is unteachable and thick-headed for having continuously ignored the trainers advice to stop it with his hokey antics. Ryan declares he's getting better, but unfortunately for him, it's three strikes and you're out. Steve takes Ryan's belt and challenges Christina and Luke to step it up.

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