Thank You Edge Project



I dunno about you guys, but the retirement of Edge has hit me hard. He was one of the reasons why I begun to watch WWE, so to hear that he’s retiring at such a young age has made me think a lot. Edge is 37- he could’ve died if he had continued to wrestle, and I wholeheartedly respect and admire his retirement. At least he knows when his body can’t take it anymore (hint hint Hulk Hogan. That’s your cue to leave.)

Now I want to do something special that unites fansites. I know that we all run specific websites to specific people, but at the end of the day, we’re all wrestling fans. We all have our favourite wrestlers, and one of mine has and always has been Edge. This is why I’m bringing forward the Thank You Edge Project. Yes the name is highly original, but the meaning behind it is what matters.

The aim? To collect as many messages as possible for Edge thanking him for his WWE tenure. You’ll only have one week to collect them because I have a plan. Next week, I plan on giving a BIG scrapbook to Edge’s best friend, Christian, to give to Edge as a way of showing our appreciation.

Credit: Melina-Unliminted


Trish Stratus & John Morrison vs Vickie Guerrero, Lay-Cool & Dolph Ziggler in a Handi-Cap Match

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison

We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero, Layla and Michelle McCool. John Morrison is out next and he’s accompanied by Trish Stratus. The bell rings and Ziggler takes control early. Morrison comes back and rams Ziggler into the corner. More back and forth action. Ziggler with a clothesline and a 2 count. Ziggler with an elbow drop and another 2 count. Ziggler applies a headlock as Trish cheers Morrison on from ringside.

Morrison ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Ziggler. Morrison sends Ziggler to the floor where his Divas check on him. Morrison charges but McCool gets on the apron and stops him. Trish runs over and takes out LayCool. She stands beside Morrison in the ring when the e-mail alert goes off and Michael Cole has an announcement from the RAW GM. He changes it to a mixed tag match.

John Morrison and Trish Stratus vs. Layla, Michelle McCool, Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler

As soon as the match is made official Trish reaches through the ropes and grabs Vickie by her hair. Vickie’s team pulls her away as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Morrison is going at it with Ziggler. Morrison fights out of a hold and kicks Ziggler in the head. Morrison misses a running knee to the head. Ziggler tags in Layla which forces Morrison to tag in Trish. Trish comes in and hits forearms on Layla. Trish kicks Layla down in the corner but runs into a big boot. Trish with the big move out of the corner. More back and forth until McCool hits Trish from behind and gets tagged in. McCool works Trish over and gets a 2 count.

McCool goes to work on Trish’s knee. Layla is eventually tagged back in. Layla dominates Trish, slamming her on her head and face. Vickie is tagged in. She goes to leg drop Trish but lands on her rear. Morrison comes in which brings in Ziggler. Morrison unloads and hits a big springboard kick on Ziggler. Layla runs over and slams Trish off the apron which distracts Morrison. Morrison misses Starship Pain and Ziggler hits the Zig Zag. Ziggler tags in Vickie, allowing her to get the pin for their team.


Talking Tough Enough


The opening starts with our host, Stone Cold Steve Austin, introducing some of the the contestants while he still shows us why he is the baddest SOB that WWE has - and ever will - see. Wait…Did I just see Miss USA?! This is gonna be good! The contestants enter the arena as Stone Cold stands in the ring and tells them how the process of the show will work. He lets them know what he's looking for in the next WWE Superstar or Diva and tells them to "get their asses backstage". Ah, he hasn't lost a touch! The contestants get a rude awakening when they find out that they will actually be helping the WWE crew set up the arena for the show that night, as well as cleaning and breaking down the arena after the show. Well, that certainly isn't my idea of first day on the job!
Article By Trish Stratus.Com